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Are you curious to know how many people in Australia use the internet today?

The Land Down Under is a significant part of the internet’s fans. The DataReportal has revealed that Australia has 22.82 million internet users as of January 2021. That’s a staggering 89% of the country’s total population. Not surprisingly, this number has increased by more than 2% from last year’s statistics.

And with such great numbers,  SEO Sydney services in Australia has boomed significantly. After all, businesses will surely do well when they go online and leverage internet users today.

So, with this information in mind, how can you increase your brand’s awareness and drive more traffic to your website so your business succeeds?

Effective SEO Strategies

Indeed, the number of internet users in Australia is astounding. And they use the internet for many reasons.

These are using digital maps for directions, looking for information on products, and shopping and making payments for bills and purchases.

Now, since most consumers utilize the internet for online shopping, shifting your business to the web will do wonders for your company. But when you do make the shift, finding the best sydney SEO strategies that work for your business, not just any tip you find, is a necessity.

After all, there are a lot of strategies that marketers use to drive traffic to their websites. Some of them work great, while others not so much.

But if you ask experts what the most effective strategies are, here’s what they will tell you:

  • Improving user experience all across the website.
  • Optimizing for mobile use.
  • Optimizing for voice search.
  • Optimizing your local SEO.
  • Diversifying your link profile.
  • Focusing more on Topic Clusters than Keywords.
  • Making your site video-friendly (take advantage of YouTube SEO).
  • Always measuring SEO results.

These strategies are proven to be very effective. Unfortunately, they won’t be for long.

E-commerce app development Company

As you may already know, search engines’ algorithms are constantly changing. And this means what works today may no longer work next month.

But, even though SEO strategies are constantly changing, one thing that experts agree on is that user experience always needs to be top-notch.

After all, what’s the use of driving audiences to your website when your pages have nothing good to offer and your site isn’t exactly user-friendly? It will take them less than five seconds to realize they won’t get what they need from your website. Then, they will go back to the SERPs to look for another answer and click on the following site.

Once this happens, Google will notice and, as a result, your website will suffer in ranking.

But, how do you improve user experience and make Google move you up the SERPs?

Tips to Improve User Experience

Australians are big fans of the internet, no doubt. And the average Aussie is known to spend approximately 4 hours per day on their mobile phones alone.

However, this doesn’t mean that they will spend a significant amount of their time on the next website they click on. It will depend on what the page offers. And sometimes, it only takes mere seconds for consumers to close the tab and look somewhere else.

So, how do you make sure your audience finds what they need on your website and spend considerable time on it? More importantly, how can you convert their visit to sales?

Here are five effective tips that will improve your website and make it provide the best experience for users:

  1. Analyse the user experience of your website

            User-testing tools like Google Optimise and Crazy Egg help you understand how users interact with your website. This lets you see which features are helpful and which ones need improvement.

2. Optimize your speed

            If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, chances are your audience will move on to the next site on the SERPs. Thankfully, you can boost your website speed by choosing the right host and decreasing server response time, among others.

3. Optimize your content for readability

            Create quality content with shorter paragraphs and various sentence lengths, which helps eliminate monotony and gives readers a pleasant time reading your content. Using sub-headers and bullet points also make reading easier and allows for better understanding and retention of information.

Additionally, bucket bridges, white space, and the inverted pyramid style of writing optimizes the reading time and allows better understanding and retention of information.

Indeed, user experience is one of the most important factors for ranking in SERPs. And you can optimize user experience, so your website becomes a top-ranking site on Google.

However, to maximize your SEO results, SEO Sydney services in Australia stresses the importance of a strong SEO strategy and not relying on one practice alone.

And when your website provides the best user experience and optimizes its overall performance, your business will surely achieve results and more.


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