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There are myriads of development agencies claiming to be the best in mobile app development industry. But only few are able to deliver the desired quality in Android app development that is expected by clients. Whatsoever is the project requirement, you must keep one thing in mind that users are no tech savvy people. They just want smooth navigation across an app’s interface and access all its features and functionalities without any trouble. Failing to do so, will certainly diminish the app’s credibility. Developing a successful mobile app is a hard nut to crack. And it requires much dedicated efforts and planning to ensure bug-free iOS app development. In this bog, we will discuss some common mistakes that you must avoid while developing an app. This will not only develop trust among stakeholders but will also boost your confidence to achieve new heights in app development.

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Lack of Value Proposition

Value proposition is a way to meet users’ expectations that they have regarding a particular product or a service. No matter what your product or service is, if you fail to resolve users’ problems, your app will lose its credibility. According to Forbes, this one of the major reasons why mobile apps fail to succeed. Being a mobile app developer, you must concentrate on providing comprehensive user experience. The app must offer relevant information regarding the product or service for which it has been launched. Identifying users needs and delivering a customized digital solution for it must be ensured during Android app development.

Overloading with Features

An Android app developer must ensure that the app has sufficient features to meet users’ requirements and keep them engaged with it. Incorporating too many features and functionalities may confuse users or simply distract them. Moreover, today’s generation primarily focus on quality rather than quantity. Hence, you must make sure that you incorporate features that are feasible and usable. An app overcrowded with features fails to address its main motive and users uninstall it without any second thought. Stick to the app’s theme and try to make as comprehensive as you can.

Complex UrIs

Your app design must resemble business objectives for which it has been designed. Rather than making an app stuffed with too many designs to express your creativity, you must focus on the quality of designs. The logo must resemble company’s title or objective and other designs should also be relevant to the context. The primary target should be to deliver a smooth navigation along with clues to navigate easily through the app. Moreover, content also plays a major role in deciding an app’s success. The more precise and unique content you offer for an app, the better are the chances for the app to gain users’ trust.

Write Clear Codes

Make sure that you follow international coding standards while writing codes for your app. It keeps immense importance for security concerns, performance issues, and consistency of the app. Moreover, writing clear and comprehensive codes also facilitate in providing easy updates to your app. This assures enhanced user base when you provide app maintenance and support services for the app. The cross-platform functionality also has much to do with clear codes. Hence, you must ensure that your codes are written in a simple framework that can be easily updated and maintained further.

Employ Testing at an Early Stage

The more early you employ thorough testing, the better results you will have for Android app development. The cost of fixing bugs will make the project much costlier if testing is not employed t an early stage. Moreover, you can assure foolproof app development and its performance on several devices if testing is deployed at early stages of SDLC. It makes the project cost-friendly and avoids any disappointments at the time of launching on app stores. Testing at early stage ensures addressing misleading navigation in an app, issues related to sign-in process, and buttons that don’t work.

Plan Your Launch

Any android or iOS app development company must strategically plan its app launch. For instance, launching a native app on both the platforms (Android and iOS) simultaneously will certainly raise risk factors altogether. It will be a better approach if you launch the Android version first and then collect the feedback. Doing so will give you valuable insights regarding your app’s vulnerabilities and you can avoid them while launching your iOS version. As a professional app developer, you must build a strategy to launch an app successfully to get desired results out of it.

Lack of Coordination

Mobile app development is an intricate process that involves various stages. From planning & research to designing, developing, testing, and deploying the app on stores, everything must be well communicated among the teams. Also, you must keep the entire app development process transparent to your stakeholders. This builds trust among them and taking their regular feedback throughout the SDLC will certainly enhance your client retention rate. Make sure that everything is communicate and coordinated in a professional and comprehensive way. This will not only make the entire app development process swift but cost effective too. This is the least thing that can be expected from professional app developers. Hence, you must work to impress and create a goodwill that lasts longer in your clients’ minds.


We hope considering these common mistakes will help you develop a strategy that delivers desired outcomes. It will certainly make the entire SDLC process much swifter, trouble-free, and quality-oriented.


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