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4 Legal Protection Tips for Mobile App Development
4 Legal Protection Tips for Mobile App Development

As the mobile app market becomes increasingly saturated, developers must find ways to continuously optimise the process while still protecting their interests. As illustrated in a previous post, one way to do so is to reduce the cost of mobile app development. Such strategies include project management approaches like proper brainstorming and wireframing, the use of tools like open-source app development frameworks, and business practices like outsourcing mobile app developers and creating an effective marketing strategy. Regardless of the strategy deployed, the ultimate goal is to cut down costs without compromising the quality and features of the app.

But besides paying attention to project costs, mobile app developers must also take note of legal considerations to protect their intellectual property and comply with regulatory standards. Below are legal protection tips that you can follow throughout the mobile app development process to help safeguard your app’s unique features.

Define your intellectual property ownership

As you work on developing distinctive features, design, and content for your mobile app, you want to ensure that your innovations are protected from potential idea theft and plagiarism. This means you must define your intellectual property ownership by registering for different types of protection based on what you created. In the UK, this involves registering a trademark for product names, logos, and designs, copywriting your content, and patenting your mobile app innovation.

At the same time, it helps to confirm that your app idea is not infringing on existing intellectual property rights to avoid costly legal disputes later on. So, before filing a trademark application, you can search the Global Brands Database, which is the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) online resource for more than 50 million registered trademarks, including around 3 million from UK businesses.

Create non-disclosure agreements

Mobile apps are typically developed among teams of developers, designers, and business advisors. In this case, it also helps to create non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to keep your intellectual property a secret until it’s registered and officially launched.

Fortunately, you can utilise Definely’s legal drafting software to save hours on hunting down legal definitions and cross-referencing various legal documents needed to draw up the conditions in the NDA. You can easily access and edit information in the active drafting stage, while also boosting efficiency by integrating the contract solution tool into your existing Microsoft Word workflows. Of course, you still have the option to work with an attorney to further specify the agreement’s stipulations, such as identifying all the parties involved and the certain amount of time they must keep the app idea protected.

Ensure clear privacy policies

With millions of people in the UK regularly using mobile apps, the government has implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure the security of apps, especially those processing personal data.

Under the industry’s code of practice, app developers must provide consumers with their security and privacy information in a user-friendly way, such as the launch of versions and updates and locations where user data is processed and stored. Ensure that your app also has easy-to-use privacy settings, such as allowing users to decide whether they want to share their location or disable certain functionalities like the camera and microphone.

Monitor copyright disputes

Lastly, app developers must remember that copyright protection is an ongoing process, making it crucial to continuously monitor infringement cases and potential disputes. Take, for example, the recent trademark fight between the software service Threads Software Limited (TSL) and tech giant Meta’s Threads app, which evolved into a costly lawsuit.

While allegations of copyright infringement can exhaust time, money, and other resources, you have the right to go after individuals or businesses that attempt to steal your app name, idea, design, code, or any other property you have already trademarked. Apple’s app store, for instance, has dispute forms available so you can have other apps investigated or removed in cases of intellectual property infringement.

For more in-depth guides and resources on the comprehensive mobile app development process, make sure to check out Fluper’s services and book a free 30-minute consultation with our experts.


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