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When it comes to ways that social media influencers can get their message across to their followers, Instagram can play a huge part. The combination of photos and videos makes it a perfect medium for creative people to express themselves. That’s why it’s often an upsetting shock to open the app and find that their account has been deactivated.

 Don’t panic, though. Here is what people should do to restore deactivated Instagram accounts:

Find Out Why It Was Deactivated

 This is the first step. Instagram usually deactivates for failing to adhere to its guidelines… as arbitrary as they may seem sometimes. It might not have been your fault – perhaps you were a victim of a mass reporting scam.

Do some digging. You might have posted an image that you thought was in good taste, but there was an aspect of it that bothered someone else. There may have been a comment of yours that crossed a line of some sort.

There are other things, like you may have been TOO active, which the algorithm may think makes you a bot. That means you liked too many posts or messaged too many people. Whatever the case, take a step back and consider what could have caused this deactivation.

Contact Instagram

 You can contact Instagram via the app and appeal the deactivation. Using calm language, you could tell them you were hacked or you had a marketing agency that went rogue with their messaging. Then wait for a reply.

Instagram will usually ask you to prove that you are the owner of the account and require some kind of identification, whether for a personal or a business account. Once you provide that, you should be back in business very quickly.

Adhere To The Rules After Being Reactivated

 If you are using Instagram for a business account, you should be doubly careful about what you post or reply. You do not want to lose potential customers or followers. Once you are back, follow the rules very closely.

 Remember, though: A deactivated account can be restored. A deleted one cannot. If that is the case, then you need to create a new one, provided that you have not been banned from the service.

Getting your account back should not be too hard. Just keep your cool, follow the above steps, and you should be posting pictures and videos sooner than later.


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