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“Everything you wanted to know about the mobile app marketing!”

Do you know how Instagram App became popular?

Do you know how WhatsApp became an essential app for every Smartphone?

How Paytm, the popular payment app from India became the next alternative of online payment?

Yes, this is not the rocket science; yet there is some secrets are there which made these app successes tremendously. And, yes they don’t put an advertisement on a national daily or TV or not even on the billboard. Then what makes these apps successful, despite not spending a fortune on it; this is the secret of mobile app marketing and promotion. The best application development company isn’t able to pull it until it goes with the right marketing mix.

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What tricks app marketing companies are using to promote and publicize their apps, which goes viral; the secret is going to unveiled now. One of the best app developers from India has their own marketing and promotion team for their clients. This is one of the innovative ways to develop and promote an app easily. These experts for mobile app marketing with social media shared the tricks that help to promote an app.

Promote the app before official launch

You need to be ahead of time; start a little earlier before your app goes on the floor. The official launch of your app is yet to happen, what you can use the first thing is go on the various social media platforms and create a space for your app. The ways to take advantages of social media platforms are huge; you need to go to those platforms and people to endorse your app and its benefits.

The first thing is to create a buzz for your app before it goes to the market. Start with running promotional video ads on various video media platforms. Make sure to get profiles on all social platforms created successfully. Make sure to build your presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and even Snapchat. Try to engage with more people and get them involved.

Instagram post & marketing for app

You can say that Instagram is just picture sharing platform, but this is a great tool. Why experts think so; because “a picture speaks a lot of emotion.” Same goes here too, the post on Instagram is highly reachable to the people, especially the young crowd. Imagine, if you have an app for your “Café”; the tempting pictures of hot coffees and brownies are good to get more users for you. And, the more Instagram post will attract more users and profitability for you, without spending a single penny. Mobile application developers shouldn’t miss it.

Use 160 characters for app promotion

Those 160 characters are enough to give the message to your target audience. You can give a unique platform for your app using Twitter. Twitter has a completely different impression for an app. People find it more authentic and it can easily connect with masses. Here, these just 160 characters can make or break your app. Use Twitter post wisely, in fact, you can create a Twitter Help Page or Use Engagement Page for your app and try to involve as much as possible.

Use Facebook to promote the app

Aren’t you on Facebook?

If you think that social media is the king of new marketing world then Facebook is the prince. And, do you know why this is required because Facebook is the only platform which has the higher number of users on it compare to others. You would defiantly don’t want to lose the grip over the larger chunk of social media platform. Start with creating a Facebook profile of your app, and keep updating the users with your post. This is one of the first steps to get into the world of social media and networking.

Live streaming for app

The idea is simple to utilize every possible feature of these social media platforms, going live is one of those features. Simply, use the live streaming option of these social media platforms. Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram; all have the live streaming. Time to use one of the most interactive ways to get connected with new users and create a buzz for your app by going live.

With-in app sharing

With-in App Sharing is the perfect example of “mouth-publicity.” Mobile application developers can easily add this feature to their app development process. It allows users to share the app with their contacts and easily get a referral bonus or some reward for it. This is easy to connect more users onboard and give them the first-hand experience of your app. In order to get this happen, app developers should design and include this feature during the development process. Before the app gets to develop, make sure that it is there else after the development, it can’t be added.

Final Words…

There are multiple ways to get buzz for your app, app development is the process with decides whether it will be a successful app or not, but we can’t deny the role of perfect marketing and promotion activities. These are certain tricks and tips used by the app marketing experts to promote an app to make “the million-user-download” app.

Go back to the first section of this blog and look carefully, these marketing tricks don’t require spending hugely on promotion. In fact, most of them just need some time for creating a profile on various social media platforms and engage people. The top mobile application development companies understand this “free promotion” module to promote the app and get the desired success without spending a single penny.


Anshul Sharma is the visionary CEO of Fluper, the leading mobile app development company known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge mobile applications. With a relentless drive for excellence and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Anshul leads Fluper with a focus on delivering value-driven products that transform businesses. Under his leadership, Fluper has become synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the digital space.

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