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Mobile app development has turned from a technology to a trend. Nowadays, having a mobile app for businesses across the globe is like a boon. But, developing an app which can grab wider user attention is not a cakewalk. If you are an app developer and you have just built an Android application or maybe an iOS one. I am sure that you are satisfied with your design, the app works on every device you tested and there seems to be no competition in your niche. After publishing it, you go ahead and share it on your Facebook Profile page and other social media channels. But wait! Is this enough? Number of downloads of an App is very  important, will discuss Major Hacks to Increase Your Mobile App Downloads to 1+ Million
If you are thinking then submitting your app to the app store and Google Play Store is the key to success then you are mistaken! The main tasks start when you are waiting for the results. Every mobile app development company looks forward to how responsive your app will be when it’s available to the general public. According to the thinking of many, it’s “just wait for success” and thousands of downloads per day. But something unexpected happens in return. On the first day, no download. On the second day, 5 downloads, on the third day, again no download. Moreover, the developer starts to question his work now: what am I doing wrong and how to increase the downloads of an Android and iOS application?

Also Read: How to Make your App No.1 in Your Domain?

If this is the situation you are facing right now, then it is the right place for you! It is a well-known fact that the mobile app market is highly competitive. There are thousands of apps in the stores which have no use and has lesser downloads. According to the leading research and statistics firm Statista, it was found that 32.5 percent of entertainment apps had been uninstalled within 30 days of download.

Here is the ranking of mobile app categories with the highest uninstall rate worldwide as of April 2018 found by Statista.

With so many apps available in the app store, you have got lots of competition. You may not even have 10,000 downloads yet and here I am going to discuss that how will gain not only 1 Lacs but one million downloads to your app. All it takes is a little effort and the right expertise to bring your app to the attention of the masses.

Best Ways to Increase Your App Downloads

Here are a few actions I have found that will help your download numbers grow. App developers must look into this!

Understand Your Platform

Deciding on the mobile platform was one of the most important decisions that you’ve had to make during the Android and iOS app development process. Whenever you get confused, familiarizing yourself with the app store optimization factors for both Android and iOS platform will help you get more downloads. Let’s take a dig into the major facts related to both the platforms-
If you want to attract customer with an amazing app description, then you can only change the description with a new update for iOS devices. While Google Play Store offers you to change your description at any time.
iOS users spend more money than Android users.
Social and links affect your ranking for the Google Play Store, but not the iOS App Store.
Use this research to make sure that you are properly targeting users on whichever platform your app is available on.

Encouraging High Ranking and Reviews

If your app performance is good, then without any doubt users will be much more likely to give it a favorable ranking and review it on the app store. User who had a bad experience will more likely to leave bad ratings and reviews. In this case, it’s the job of top app developers to encourage the users who love your app and use it often to leave a review on the app store.
Also, you don’t have to expect good reviews from users. One of the ways I found is to do this is just by asking them nicely. You can send a popup notification when they open the app to encourage them. Also, you could give them a discount off of their next purchase if your app demands.

Leverage Social Media Channels

Without any doubt, an active social media presence will also expose your app to a wider audience. Here, you are allowing users to post, tweet, share and subscribe that will be seen by their followers too. As a result, more people will hear about your app and services, which will help you get more downloads from the new exposure.
Still in doubt? If yes, then see the image below, which clearly depicts the reasons making an app worth for downloading.
As you can see, the mobile app being recommended by another person ranked on the highest. So getting a social influencer to recommend your app can lead to a mass of downloads.

Don’t Forget About App Accessibility

Expanding the reach of the mobile apps is the prime motive for the best mobile app development companies. When more people have access to your app, it will obviously boost your download rates and at last increase your total profits.
It is important to know why it app accessibility is crucial? About 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability. If they want to use your app, then your app needs to be able to accommodate them by offering things like voice assist or captions. Roughly, 300 million people are colorblind. For them, you need to make sure that there is a clear separation between the forefront and background on each screen.
Also Read : Avoid These Mistakes to Make Your Event App More Interactive

Implement a Referral Program

It has been reported that most of the people download an app because of a recommendation. Therefore, you have a perfect reason to give your current users a reason to recommend your app to friends and family. You may have seen that apps like Uber and Myntra are offering rewards to users for their referral.  Due to this, the popularity of apps has grown rapidly and even downloads are increased.
If you are going to hire top app developers, then it important to tell them about this new feature, which gives the new user a reason to try out your app.


Here is my quick list of hacks to make you reach your one million-mark dream on the app store. If you were searching for something beneficial for your app accessibility, then this is the right blog for you. Take these steps and you will be on your way toward one million. Besides, if you want to develop an app for your business, you can trust Fluper who are well known for delivering apps that tops the charts.


Vinay Kumar is the brilliant mind behind the technology at Fluper, serving as the Chief Technology Officer. With a wealth of experience in software development and a passion for leveraging the latest technologies, Vinay drives the technical vision of Fluper's projects. His expertise in creating scalable and robust solutions ensures Fluper delivers best-in-class products exceeding client expectations.

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