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With abuzz of mobile apps all around the globe, especially in the desks of enterprises, the risk associated has replicated up to multiple times. The number of mobile apps for the enterprises has grown manifold with the improvements in their basic functionalities, but we should always keep something vital in our minds that risk associated with it has also grown several times with the advancement in their technologies. People are consistently facing malicious worms in their mobile apps wiping off their crucial stuffs. These smartphone virus are technically more advanced and adapted to all the new innovations.
It’s crucial to eliminate these malwares from your devices in order to ensure the complete security of your device and data it contains. To amputate such virus from your devices, first you need to consider their functionalities and much more such as their impact and vulnerability. There are several mobile app development companies which proclaim their apps to malware resistant and much more but ground reality turns out to be different.
In addition to that, it’s also important to figure out the part which you are required to look into and how to lock off your data from an infected app. These apps can be categorized into three major categories:

Multiple Shades of Threats!

The empire of malicious apps is growing at major level with over thousands of devices reported regularly. This malicious app business has been growing steadily with a centered vision or target on which they are exploiting. Some of these malicious app are designed in a way to exploit the target mass, where they funnel up the data to an external server. Others are further categorized into ransomware and damaging units. Later is quite popular now a days, you need to lay emphasis on these in order to defend your data. The prior one is comparatively way more fatal than that of later one as it locks down all the access to your data by interfering with security of your device and asks for a lump sum to lay itself off your devices.
According to a survey, ransomware are consistently and rapidly growing threats for mobile devices. These unique buck bagging threats have grown fifteen times more than in past two years. These threats are growing more and more complex with their evolutions to counteract the defensive measures. Several mobile app developers were reported, encountering their app formulations are malicious in different parts of the world.
Every OS has a loop hole!

Imperfection is a universal truth and mobile OS are no different. Although mobile app development companies leave no stone unturned for the app security yet there are various loop holes in the app ecosystem. Needless to say that these acts come into being because every OS is inadequate to curb these flaws. Virus is present everywhere either it’s an iOS or Android the difference is that latter is more vulnerable than former.
Presuming that having an iOS keeps you free from all worries is nothing but making the fool of yourself and people realize this fact when they are ending up getting breached.
Experts have stated that the condition might grow more severe as the virus hitting these platforms are evolving and strengthening themselves with the advancement in technology.
Never Trust An App!
Any application in the space is a potential malware. Any application can turn out to be a malicious entity unintentionally. People often encounter app data leak and surprisingly iOS apps are found more vulnerable to this than android. There are various silly reasons for these leaks such as poorly coded security administration or excessive ad info. So always heed on the potential apps that are poorly coded and because of this fact this can easily prove out to be more and more vulnerable.
Though Facebook or other social engines cost us nothing but these come up with a potentially harmful ad network which put our privacy on stake. These ad networks have been crafted so perfectly that in app advertising makes us potential vulnerable in regard with our credentials and even our ideologies.
Are these leaky apps make difference between corporate portals or individuals?
Simple answer is a big NO! They are incapable of figuring out your strength and have nothing to do if you are an organization or an individual. All they have to do siphon your data to an external server regardless of your domain or size. They suck up everything like a black hole!

Much Horror No Sigh!

Not really! This is not a case at all. This was just a premier of the mobile malware but it’s not difficult to protect your data at all. Here is how you can safeguard your important stuffs

  • Differentiate between work and personal accounts via different designated tools.
  • App Level Encryption to your critical software.
  • Aware your clients about various tactics to cater phishing scams and social engineering.
  • Always invest in a solution that provides high end encryptions or access to critical files.

More the innovation more will be the risk factor, this is absolutely true about the mobile phones. There are various malwares that are potentially harmful to your files. Mobile app development companies try their best to ensure the security and privacy of your crucial data yet there are various reasons how and why entities turn out malicious. A few evolvement in the adaptation of the mobile OS will prove handy to resolve this problem.



Vinay Kumar is the brilliant mind behind the technology at Fluper, serving as the Chief Technology Officer. With a wealth of experience in software development and a passion for leveraging the latest technologies, Vinay drives the technical vision of Fluper's projects. His expertise in creating scalable and robust solutions ensures Fluper delivers best-in-class products exceeding client expectations.

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