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As per website statista.com, 6000 mobile apps are launched every day on Google Play store and 1400 on the Apple app store. Now, not all of the apps launched become successful and there are plenty of reasons for that. There could be design and development issues which should not happen in the first place. Even if it happens, there is time to improve in the next versions of your app launch.

However, most of the developers that work on mobile apps are of the view that mobile app marketing is the toughest phase of mobile app development. And rightly so, we have seen many Mobile App Development Companies come up with different app marketing strategies to attract their users and get positive results.  But end up making disastrous mistakes that derail their chances of getting any success.

In this blog, we will discuss 10 mobile app marketing mistakes that should be avoided when marketing mobile applications.

Top Mobile App Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

10 mobile app mistakes

iconGoing for a Web-Based Application

There are more than 2.8 million apps on the Google play store and 2.2 million on the apple app store. This is why it is preferable to have a native mobile app that users can access on their mobile by simply downloading it. Contrary to this, many website owners look to integrate their website with a web app overlooking the benefits of a native app.

Mobile app owners need to understand that a web app will never beat the convenience and features of a native app which can be accessed even in the absence of an internet connection.

iconNot Researching Enough

Many mobile app developers do not lay special emphasis on research and simply begin their app development. This is why it is better to rely on a Mobile Application Development Company in UK that can invest time in deep researching. Proper research includes finding opportunities for your app, examining your app’s user base, and determining how the app solves existing market problems. Note that, a good research can lead to an app’s  success even before it is launched.

iconInability to Optimize App on the App Store

The prime contribution in making an app searchable and trend on the app store is to implement ASO tactics. ASO, also known as App store optimization is a way to make your app easily found on the app store. But before you start optimizing your app it is important to research and understand the target audience and the right set of keywords to be targeted.

Mobile App Marketing Mistakes 2019

Have a look at the steps you need to take while you implement ASO:

iconPlacing a keyword in the app title and description can make your app searchable and compete with other apps.

iconFocus on getting reviews by adding a prompt or Call-to-action to your users to review while they have already installed the app.

iconFailure to Drive Mobile App Reviews

In the initial days, months, or even years, mobile app marketers find it difficult to get good reviews and that too in large numbers. Even if your app has all the necessary features that can make it a successful app, it is the reviews that will ensure how good it is perceived among the audience.

For this, it is better to ask users who have installed your app to take some time to improve app’s user experience by reviewing it. Any feature that is the heart and soul of your app could be linked with a CTA asking users to review for it.

iconNot Utilizing Social Media Networks

Social media plays a very important role in deciding your app’s success. But even now, many mobile app owners do not take advantage of such awesome platform. The first step to your social media marketing strategy should be to get on all social media networks namely Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

Once you are all set with your social media accounts, it is better to update users about your app features or related information. You can use tools like Hootsuite to manage your social media post by scheduling at your preferred time.

iconNot Rewarding your Users

Reward programs are great options to get more users to download the app. Most of the Top Rated Mobile App Development Companies prefer to incorporate rewards in their mobile apps. This helps to retain the existing users of your app while targeting new users with your lucrative app features and reward options.

In case you launched a gaming app, you can allow extra lives or levels or equipments to your long time users. Such features could also be used by having an in-app purchase plan thus driving more trust in your application.

iconNot Getting the App Featured On a Popular Blog

There are many popular blogs and media publications that are ready to promote some exceptional apps that solve the problem of people in general. If your app has such features then it will not be difficult to get your app published in the leading news outlets and blogs.

In case you are finding it difficult to get your app featured, you can look for websites that allow free guest posting or even consider paid or sponsored posts on such platforms.

iconNot Marketing Your App Early

Having a pre-launch marketing plan can greatly influence your chances of success while you have not even launched your app. For this, one can start by promoting your app features or providing information about related developments in your niche or domain on social media.

Having a blog can help you build an audience which would be anticipating for your app launch. If you do not take use of early marketing then it will be difficult to drive users to your app while launching it.

iconIgnoring App Updates

An application after its launch receives feedback though many of them could be negative reviews. But rather than disheartening yourself, it is important that you focus on working at the mistakes. The mistakes already committed by your mobile app development company could be in substandard User experience (UX) design or bugs.

This is where updating your app based on the various inputs that you have already received could help you. Ignoring app updates will leave you with no opportunities for growth while working on app updates will create more trust in your users and drive more positive reviews.

iconNot Having an App Release Date

App release date is so crucial yet many businesses and mobile app owners overlook this fact. If we take look at the most successful apps of all time, then one thing is common in all of them i.e. having a proper app release date.

Also Read : Top Rated Mobile Application Development Companies in the UK

While planning an app release date it is important to give proper coverage to your app which could be not possible in case of an event. You can promote the app on all social media networks, collaboration blogs, and media portals to drive the initial users.

10 mobile application marketing mistakes

Let’s Wrap This Up, Shall We?

While you decide to make an app, it is important to devise a marketing strategy that is actually marketable. More than that having some exciting features like games, other add-ons can create more buzz about your app.

Remember that most of the apps in fact 90 percent of them are uninstalled from users devices in the first six months of app install. Thus coming up with a perfect marketing plan that incorporates the above-mentioned points will create more chances to be successful in 2019.

Have an App Idea?

Contact Fluper, a leading Top Rated Mobile App Development Company and get your free wireframe now!


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Anshumann Kumar, in his role as Delivery Manager at Fluper, has been streamlining the technical complications that come in a bundle when building modern and innovative mobile applications. An issue solver by day and analytical reader by night, Mr. Anshumann always try his hands at the latest technological innovations so that the clients always get something unique.

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