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Leading a comfortable lifestyle is now possible with the help of mobile applications. You can easily shop online, book an appointment, play games, make content videos, chat/regular call/video call/share media to people across the globe, and even find a partner using dedicated mobile applications.

Travel App Development Company

These mobile apps have introduced so much of comfort in our life that it seems difficult to lead an app-free life. Both Apple and Google Play Store are loaded with innumerable mobile apps. According to Statistics, there are more than 2 million apps and 2.8 million apps on the Apple Play Store and Google Play Store respectively. If you too want to build a mobile app then getting in touch with a mobile app development company will definitely help you out.

The development of mobile apps has been quite native in the past as the developers would make specific apps for specific platforms. Native mobile apps made it impossible for the developers to create a universal app for both Android and iOS platforms. As a result of this, the developers had to develop mobile apps for either of the two platforms: Android Play Store or iOS Play Store.

Why developers chose cloud apps over android and iOS

Also, in the case of native apps, users are required to download these applications from the playstore and install them on their devices for being able to use them.

These complicated requirements associated with native mobile apps have paved ways for the development of cloud apps. If you are willing to develop a mobile app then consider a cloud development process for keeping your app relevant in the industry for the longest period of time. Developing a cloud app can have the following benefits for you:

icon0Cloud apps can be launched in both iOS and Android platforms: Developing a cloud app from a strategic and creative mobile app development company will eliminate the need for you to specifically connect with an android app development or iOS app development company for building a native mobile app. A cloud development process will enable you to develop a universal app for both Android and iOS platforms instead of just one and reach a wider audience in comparison to native apps.

icon0Lower costs of development: Developing a specific app for specific platform and then developing a similar version for another platform can be quite expensive. Consider developing a Cloud app and save extra time and money owing to its feature that enables the developers to build a single app for both the platforms. You as a developer can also save on app maintenance by building a cloud app instead of a primitive one.

icon0No need for installation: Cloud development process will zero the requirement for you to download and install an app in your device as you can easily see the interface and use the same on your mobile’s browser. Cloud apps fetch required data by directly interacting with the cloud. This is also why these apps run smoother and offer an amazing use experience.

icon0Lower rate of security risk: Cloud apps store data in the cloud. This feature reduces the probability of your data getting lost. Primitive apps on the other hand store data on your device and this can ultimately put your data safety at risk.

icon0Seamless integration of database: Seamless database integration is one of the most tempting reasons for the developers to choose cloud apps over android and iOS apps. Database integration takes a long time and it is a highly complicated process in the case of primitive apps. Cloud apps on the other hand syncs information through the cloud servers in real-time. With cloud apps you can easily write complex codes for integrating your data and avoid unnecessary confusion and time-lagging.

icon0Data recovery: Primitive apps can make data recovery next to impossible in certain cases. These apps store data on a local server and if by any chance this local server gets damaged then you might lose your data forever. Cloud apps store data on cloud servers and this makes data recovery quite easy for the users.

The rise in the use of smartphones has sparked a huge demand for the development of mobile applications. If you too have an app to develop in mind then do consider getting a cloud app instead of developing a primitive app. Building a cloud app will eliminate your chances of feeling confused with the thought of approaching an iOS development company or android development company as you can easily go for a reputed mobile app development company that is into cloud development process.


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Anshul Sharma is the visionary CEO of Fluper, the leading mobile app development company known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge mobile applications. With a relentless drive for excellence and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Anshul leads Fluper with a focus on delivering value-driven products that transform businesses. Under his leadership, Fluper has become synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the digital space.

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