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How to What makes an app demanding? The first thing that instantly comes to the mind is ‘App Purpose’ which comes from the unique idea. It’s easy to come up with an idea, but following through with that idea on the whole and building a mobile application is not the faster process. Currently, there are over 2 million app ideas each on Apple App Store and Google Play Store, but only fewer are actually doing well. Is there a secret formula to their success? What is it that top mobile app developers are doing differently? With this blog, I am going to discuss some of the most effective tips and tricks to make you aware of how to boost your app idea successfully, before you get into the process of development yourself, or hire best app developer for it!

You have got an app idea and you feel that it has tremendous potential. In other words, it can be said that you got the insight by solving a problem that you or people around you are facing. Of course, the app is all about providing customers ease! But, don’t be excited. You have to think a lot before you implement your idea, like does the app have power to extent? How do you know whether a large pool of people that face the same problems you are trying to solve? By just observing a small team, it is hard to tell. The next step is market research, which Android and iOS app development companies strictly do. It helps them to make better decisions about design, development, marketing and your app’s business.

Market Research for Your App Idea

Before getting started, you need to know some essential tips on determining the market demand for your app. Have a look-

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Google It!

Google will be definitely helpful to know the market status about your app idea. Mobile app development companies primarily focus on what you need to do? Type in words associated with your app idea, such as problem you are trying to solve, the benefit with your concept. Put the keyword in the search box, select the target countries and the search engine will show you the number of average local and global monthly searches. It’s a great market research tool. You can use Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner Tool, and top performing app on App Store and Play Store to understand the potential and market size of your app.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Create Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Proof of Concept (POC), or a Prototype are the three main ways to authenticate an app idea. These three are considered as quick and cost-effective ways of validating a product. The MVP can save you from spending huge bucks on iOS and Android mobile app development because it enables you to monitor the effect on the target audience without adding any extra functionalities. With basic and most necessary features, an MVP can indicate whether your app project will succeed in the market or not.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Design Landing Page

Creating a landing page is one of the crucial steps, which highlights the core proposition of your startup. A landing page is an app-focused website, proposed to be the introductory home for your users, featuring the development lifecycle of your application. It has multiple benefits, such as improves brand awareness, bolster conversion, and enhance credibility. Once your landing page is up, mobile app developers need create a Google Adwords and a Facebook marketing campaign.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?A/B Testing (Bucket Testing)

Marketers and designer are widely using A/B Test for the web. But now, you can use A/B testing for mobile apps as well. It is one of the best ways to get the information of user preference after landing page. Generally, in A/B testing following elements are tested:

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?CTA (Call To Action) size, color, font etc.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Headline of the Page

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Style and Layout of Landing Page

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Text and Image on Product/Landing Page

Once, you are done with these crucial points, it’s time to focus on validate your app idea with some major tricks essential in app development process.

Best Ways to Increase Your Mobile App Business

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Analyze the App Store Charts

Studying the app store charts considered as the great way to get some valuable insights on the ongoing market trends. Analyzing the top paid apps gives you a clear picture about great ideas that people are willing to pay for. Once you look at the top grossing charts, it will tell you which are the apps that are most popular and getting the highest revenue. Study the apps and understand how your app can improve the existing products.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Be Active on Social Platforms

The power of social media is unbelievable. If your app is important to you, let other people know about it and social media is the best platform for you. Create a mobile website, a twitter, Instagram, facebook page, Google+ page, dedicated to your mobile app. Post and share about it, especially when you release a new version, and see the difference!

Also Read : How to Give Your Business a Kicking Start?

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Prepare an Official App Announcement

It has been recommended that you should announce your app officially about its launch on different platforms. When you are all set, publish your blog post, send newsletter, and post your social updates. Some people choose to do a press release, but you can simply use a blog post for making your app announcement. It’s a fine gesture to reach out to any press contacts to let them know you’ve officially launched.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?Focus on Alternate Markets

While Google Play and iOS app store might be the most important app market out there, but it is important for you to not ignore others. Right now, app developers have been working on making mobile apps more compatible with Amazon Kindle devices, so don’t forget to upload your app to the Amazon App market. There are also some important app stores in some countries which might help you get some more downloads.


Having an idea is a usual thing, but validating it will surely take time and cost you lots of money. Think about all the steps that I have outlined above and then choose trusted mobile app development company for your app. Once your app officially launches on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or both, you’ll need to continue to update your app and optimize the user experience for better results. I would like to recommend hire Fluper, where Android, iOS, cross-platform and AR/VR app development experts are devoted to convert your idea into reality with innovative techniques.

How to Grow Your App Idea Successfully?


Anshul Sharma is the visionary CEO of Fluper, the leading mobile app development company known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge mobile applications. With a relentless drive for excellence and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Anshul leads Fluper with a focus on delivering value-driven products that transform businesses. Under his leadership, Fluper has become synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the digital space.

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