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When it comes down to take your app to the greatest heights possible, what’s better than giving out an example of Instagram. We, being app growth marketers, have often seen, numerous strategies being proposed, revamped and disregarded. In this whole mayhem scenario, Facebook mobile app ads always have done better and succeeded.
Instagram offers impressive opportunities for businesses all around the world and their respective audiences. However, it is a fact that nowadays more and more brands have joined Instagram, which evidently has made this platform quite competitive.
Have you heard of Instagram Ads? If not, it doesn’t matter as we are about to tell you what exactly it is. In late 2015, Instagram released Instagram ads, which takes advantages of the Facebook advertising system. With Instagram advertising, marketers can now reach any specific segment of Instagram’s 1 billion users.

With this vast number of users, these ads have become an enticing avenue for brands that are looking for increased engagement. If you too are one of them, then we are glad to tell you that we’ll be more than happy to help you out in the best possible way.

What is Instagram Advertising?

Instagram advertising is a method of paying to post sponsored content on the platform to reach out to a larger and more targeted audience. While there are many reasons a business may decide to advertise, Instagram advertising is often used to grow the brand’s exposure, website traffic, generate new leads, and move current leads down the funnel.
As we all know that Instagram is more of a visually oriented platform than that of text. So, especially in terms of App Marketing, you need to provide your target audience with relevant images and videos to get the most out of Instagram.

Is Instagram Advertising Appropriate for your Business?

If you are planning on targeting the elder age group of the population, then we’ve got some bad news for you. Instagram does tend to serve towards a more youthful audience, with the largest percentage of users falling in the age range of 18-29 (55%), then between the ages of 30-49 (28%). Apparently, only 11% of Instagram users are between the age groups of 50-64, and just 4% are adults over 65.

As per Hootsuite, the majority of users live in urban areas (32%), 28% of users live in the suburbs, and 18% of users in the country regions. While on the other hand, it is being noted that there are more women users than men.
Similar to any other social media platform, Instagram gives you control to target specific genders, age ranges, locations, interests, behaviors, and more.
What you as an advertiser should really latch onto is the fact that Instagram uses Facebook’s demographic data to serve up ads to the appropriate parties. Evidently, this makes this platform reliable and valuable for advertisers that are looking to target a niche audience, because Facebook already has a thorough history and demographic targeting options.

How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost?

Even for us, this is somewhat of a tricky question, as costs are based on a variety of factors, and a cherry on top all these factors haven’t been revealed by the platform. However, as far as we know the model is based on CPC (cost-per-click) and CRM’s (cost per impressions), and prices are determined according to Instagram’s ad auction.
“The cost of Instagram ads are influenced by many factors — everything from your audience to your ad feedback,” says Andrew Tate from AdEspresso. “There’s a lot that goes into understanding how to advertise on Instagram.”
Most of the advertisers out there find that Instagram ads often have higher engagement, but this can cost them. On the bright side, advertisers do have control over how their budgets are allocated. For example, you can choose between daily budgets to limit the amount spend per day or a lifetime budget where you would set up your ads to run for a length of time until the budget is diminished.
Evidently, there are other ways through which you can control your Instagram and spend. It includes setting your ad schedule, setting your ad delivery method, as well as setting your bid amount (manual vs. automatic).

Also Read: How to Choose the Right Mobile App Development Company?

6 Steps to Start Advertising On Instagram

Learning a few new things has always been appreciated in our society. And when it comes down to marketing, it’s just amazing. However, there isn’t much to learn. In fact, these ads can be configured through the Facebook Ad Manager.
If you are totally new to this concept, don’t sweat it, because we are here for a reason. We’ll be going on a stroll towards making your ads more relevant and accessible. if you are an advertiser who is running a relatively large ad set, then you can also choose to configure your ads through Power Editor or Facebook’s Marketing API.

Well, here are some steps that you should be aware of: Advertisement Design

iconNavigate To Facebook’s Ad Manager

To navigate to ad manager within Facebook, the first thing that you need to do is log in to an appropriate Facebook account. You should know about the fact that there is no specific Ad Manager for Instagram.

iconSet Your Marketing Objective

Now, it’s time for you to choose the campaign goal. Well, there is one thing that you should be aware of and that is Instagram ads only work with the following goals:

Brand Awareness: this is the most basic goal that’ll try to show your ads to more potential people likely to get interested.
Reach: When it comes down to increasing your reach, then you just have to sure to select your Instagram account when creating the Ad.
Traffic: you have to choose between two options, then enter the URL of your choice, and let the traffic come in.
App Installs: In order to configure this, you’ll have to choose your app from the app store while setting up.
Engagement: Right now, you can only pay to play for “post engagement” on Instagram effectively.
Video Views:You need to promote your videos as they are the outcomes of investing time and money altogether.
Conversions:It allows you to drive your leads to take action and convert your leads to take action and convert on your website.

iconConfigure Your Target Audience

Once you are done with selecting your objective, you need to target the appropriate audience to get your ads in front of the people that you’ve chosen. Here are some targeting options that you need to look at.









Custom Audience

Lookalike Audience

iconChoose Your Placements

Now that you’re targeting your ideal demographic, it’s time for choosing placements. If you ignore this step anyhow, Facebook will allow your ads to appear on both the platforms. This isn’t a thing to worry about, but if you’ve created content specifically for Instagram, then we’d recommend you to choose “edit placements”.

iconSet Your Budget And Ad Schedule

Like we have mentioned above that you can also run an ad schedule to target specific times of days and days of a particular week when you know that your target audience is most active. This is one of the best ways to optimize your budget.

icon Create Your Instagram Ad

Now is the time when you can create your Ad. Hopefully after considering the above steps you already must’ve had some ideas on how to make the perfect ad campaign. You can incorporate all the above strategies as well.

Instagram Ad Formats

Instagram has a total of six ad formats. Two of those are for Instagram stories which mainly appear at the top of the feed.

Image Feed Ads

Image Story Ads

Video Feed Ads

Video Story Ads

Carousel Feed Ads

Canvas Story Ads

5 Best Instagram Advertising Practices

We being an app development company have enlisted some of the best practices that will assure you with the highest ROI possible.

Install Each Ad With Personality

Make Sure Your Ad Is Contextually Relevant

Use Hashtags

Run A Contest

Post At Optimal Hours

If you know your audience well, then you’ll find this whole process quite easy. But, you can also go for a good old trial and error method.

Final Thoughts
Are you thinking of posting Ads on Instagram just to uplift your business? If yes! Then we, being an app development company, are glad to tell you that this is the right place you are looking at. If you face any issues or difficulties while doing that, make sure to contact Fluper for spontaneous assistance.


Akansha Pandey, Director of Sales at Fluper, is a leader in technology sales with a decade of experience. Known for her strategic approach, she excels in driving business growth and forging strong client relationships. Akansha's expertise lies in consultative selling, team leadership, and exceeding revenue targets. Passionate about mentoring, she enjoys sharing insights with aspiring sales professionals.

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