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How to choose a software development company on Clutch?
How to choose a software development company on Clutch?

Outsourcing’s becoming increasingly popular in software development and cross-platform app development. Clutch, one of the largest IT outsourcing platforms, now has over 27,000+ agencies. And the number continues to rise. However, with such a vast selection of options, picking the right app development company becomes a genuine issue. Especially when you’ve invested a lot of money, time, and effort into the project and want it to be handled by a qualified team.

Clutch Co is a collection of companies that provide IT services from all around the world. Let’s look at how clutch can help you build up an effective internal review process and a team to manage it on a regular basis – that is, anytime your organization is looking to outsource to an app development company. Because so many people trust Clutch and Co, it has become a popular destination to hunt for new B2B partnerships and service providers.

Instead of always-glowing testimonials, business owners need rating tools to obtain honest feedback on their ideas and efforts. As a result, if a rating site is reliable, all of the corporate ratings it publishes must be thorough and objective. Inviting unbiased appraisers is the only way to get honest feedback. People are free to contribute with accurate information if they have no personal stake in a positive evaluation. Independent services, thankfully, provide objective feedback. One of them is Clutch.co.

What does Clutch do?

Clutch is a website that ranks firms in the fields of IT, marketing, cross platform app development, and business services. It gathers customer comments, case studies, and objective quantitative data into well-organized, reliable corporate profiles. Labor market research is something we’re all familiar with. Significant brands with big finances generally do research and evaluation to locate the finest app development companies for outsourcing for a specific assignment. Clutch takes care of the rest.

Clutch is the industry’s go-to resource for unbiased ratings of software development firms and cross platform app development companies. In this post, we will discuss how Clutch operates and provide some advice to onlookers for choosing a dependable software development partner to outsource their project needs. At first appearance, it’s simple to comprehend how a clutch works. The interface is user-friendly and clear for both parties selling services and clients looking for contractors.

  • Business list their services for the customers to find
  • Clients can browse through the listed services and make a selection according to their requirements
  • Service providers can list themselves on Clutch.co to get a lot of B2B reviews from their clients.

What process to follow to choose the right outsourcing development company?

1.   Define Your Business Needs and Preferences

Before you start looking for an outsourcing app development company, prepare a comprehensive list of your business requirements, do market research for the product from your end, decide your level of involvement during the development process, what are your expectations from the development partner, what is your budget, and what is your backup in case of scope creep. You can even read up on Clutch for the elaborate process to get started for internal preparations required beforehand.

With the help of articles on Clutch, you can educate yourself on how to go about the process. For example, if you are looking to outsource a cross platform app development company, the main goal is to collect data, analyze features and software reviews from multiple sources, and test the solutions that have been chosen. Addressing the following points will take you a step closer to your objective:

  • There may be a lot of issues that need to be fixed with the new software. To get the majority of the things right in one go, pick out which features and functions are essential (must-haves) and which are optional (nice-to-haves). This practice gives a strong starting point that will assist to avoid being distracted by other seemingly tempting qualities in the future.
  • A rough cost estimate for the new program. Aim for a general estimate if not an exact figure at this point, which is great for now. This can also help you eliminate ideas that are too costly right away.
  • Any physical requirements, as well as system adjustments, should be determined at this time. Especially when it comes to updating or modifying the current IT infrastructure.

Identifying your business requirements will force you to consider what you want from the app development company you are outsourcing. The entire evaluation process will be substantially sped up if you have a clear picture.

2.   Basic research on Clutch

Clutch is an excellent choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Visit Clutch and look at their ratings and independent customer reviews if you want to spend less of your budget on the due diligence of potential work partners. Regardless of your company’s industry, you’ll discover the ideal staff. For example, you can search for an outsourcing company to carry out an app development idea, using numerous characteristics, including the company’s location, your pricing range, and the organization’s area of expertise. Browse through all the matching profiles and sort out the best-suited profiles based on the carefully curated data in terms of size, location, budget, and services focus.

3.   Look through Portfolio

When looking to outsource for a cross platform app development company, the first thing you should do is look at their previous work. That’s how you can assess their understanding of specific technologies, as well as their expertise with various domains, regions, and other factors. Furthermore, there’s a considerable possibility you’ll uncover a case that’s similar to your project.

Each organization with a Clutch profile showcases its previous work in the form of examples aggregated in a single portfolio. You’ll be able to check screenshots and other information about previous works there. This information can help you determine whether or not the outsourcing app development company is familiar with the technology you require, as well as whether or not you like them. If you like a firm but don’t find the information you need, inquire about it. Each firm profile includes information on how to interact with them.

Augmented Reality App Development services

Take a closer look at a typical clutch profile of a cross platform app development company with its portfolio:

4.   Trustworthy Clutch reviews

Clutch follows an extensive process for anyone wishing to submit a review for a service provider. All reviews are authentic and relevant. As previously said, reviews are the most useful information you can find about any supplier even for a cross platform app development company. Reviews include detailed information about the reviewer, as well as a summary of their feedback, a project synopsis, and the rating they awarded the service provider. Each summary contains details about the person’s background, issues, solutions, outcomes, and feedback. Cost, scheduling, quality, and desire to refer a company to others are all factors that clients consider about outsourced development companies when submitting a rating.

Clutch gathers feedback in two ways: online and by phone. Phone reviews are typically used to evaluate projects with a budget of more than $25,000. A Clutch phone conversation lasts roughly 15-20 minutes, during which an analyst gathers feedback by posing personal questions to the client. All phone calls are recorded and transcribed by Clutch.co. The reviewer can learn a lot about the client’s experience and hear their tone of voice over the phone.

The online review submission process is easier than making a phone call and is ideal for projects with a budget of less than $25,000. Clutch uses a review form to collect online feedback about outsourced development companies. The Clutch features bespoke review forms for every industry as well as basic forms that can be used by any company. Each company’s page includes a unique URL that may be emailed to customers to collect feedback. Customers can also use Clutch’s main report card to review their collaboration experience.

Point is, positive Clutch reviews might bring you a lot of clients while also lowering your advertising costs and also makes it easy for the clients to find the best-suited development company, for example, a cross platform app development company. Clutch reviews can also be easily integrated into your website.

5.   Community Engagement

There are some sure-shot tell tales for a serious organization. You would find them engaging in social media, organizing workshops or meet-ups, online webinars, open-source contributions on GitHub, publications like e-books, guides, and blogs. Also, the company would claim awards and certificates. You will find such outsourcing app development companies honing the stamp of Clutch on their websites as they would have also engaged with Clutch, the largest IT services review platform.

Clutch is a fantastic resource for finding top organizations to handle your job. It provides trustworthy data, analysis, and real evaluations on hundreds of advertising and marketing, web design, search engine marketing, software development, web, and cross platform mobile app development, and IT consulting companies from around the world.

If a company is not yet registered on Clutch but meets the service’s criteria, Clutch workers will create a profile for it and publish the comments they get. Consider creating a Clutch profile if your company isn’t already listed.

6.   Prepare for rounds of interviews with a list of questions

Prepare customized questions to better understand how good developers and corporate managers work. These interview questions are useful for interviewing management and developers for the development company you are looking to outsource. You will gain a general grasp of a potential contractor’s management and quality testing procedures based on their responses.

Before you make your final selection, here are a few more questions to ask the software providers:

  1. How much upkeep would the solution actually require?
  2. Is there going to be ongoing after-sales assistance, and if so, how long will it last?
  3. When a problem arises, how easy is it to contact the vendor?
  4. Do you have any recurring expenses? What about regular renewal or upgrade costs; do they provide unique pricing if this is required?
  5. What about other costs like employee training and extended warranties?

Answering these questions can help you avoid overly enthusiastic dealers who don’t provide adequate after-sales support. Read more on Clutch about the checklist you need to prepare for before outsourcing a software development company.

7.   Think globally

Beginning your search for an outsourcing app development partner with Clutch will make you more aware of the market trends and norms going around. It will widen your horizon to many other parameters to consider rather than just technical specifications and budget. Consider contractors as though you’ll be working with them for the rest of your life. Inquire about possible discounts for returning customers, affiliate programs, bonuses, and other special events that can help you save money. Another thing to consider is whether or not the outsourced development company will provide maintenance and technical assistance after the project is completed.

Once you have shortlisted a few cross platform app development companies, do look into the following additional points before finalizing your decision to hire a particular company:

  1. Business Logic: Also, inquire about their company’s business strategy. If the developers looked over the information you provided, they’d tailor their response to your project. Talk about potential dangers, how to avoid them, and what solutions they have to give. If there aren’t any problems or questions, it’s possible they didn’t have time to look over your documents.
  2. Security Matters: There’s no such thing as too much security, especially when dealing with sensitive information such as a user’s payment or personal information. A reliable cross platform app developer has a well-defined security policy in place and complete control over the process. It lays out how to organize information security and assists businesses in assessing security concerns.
  3. Communication Channels: Communication is critical when working with an overseas workforce. Inquire about how you’ll keep track of the workflow: what’s the call schedule, what tools they use for tracking, and who you’ll be meeting with – a Project Manager or a Team Leader? A competent outsourcing development team is built on a firm plan of action and a desire to tackle the problem.

After all is said and done, Clutch.Co is deserving of your attention due to the following benefits:

  • Objective: Not even sponsorship has any effect on a company’s Clutch rating.
  • Convenient: Clutch’s user-friendly interface makes it simple to locate and select the best firm for your project.
  • Transparent: Everyone can see why each company’s rating is what it is since the grading method is open and user-friendly. It is impossible to improve the score in any way. Clutch experts use extensive criteria and statistics to create the rankings.
  • Quickly customized search: You may tailor your search to your specific requirements, budget, and region to locate your ideal team in the least amount of time.
  • Honest comments: There is no need for businesses to contact clients and analyze their feedback. This is handled by Clutch analysts.

So, if you’re looking for a dream team to help you with a critical task like cross platform app development, head over to Clutch and find exactly what you’re looking for in only a few hours!


Clutch.co solves two difficulties for outsourcers: it collects feedback about each outsourcing development company, saving time for company executives, and displays all client input, both favorable and bad, to visitors. As a result, the visitor sees the entire picture, not just the wonderful testimonials.

Clutch collects and analyses reviews with the help of independent analysts. Those who receive the comments are not bothered about whether it is positive or negative. They just care about publishing the entire picture. Cheating and phony corporate rating enhancements are unthinkable.


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