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Who doesn’t like shopping? The simple answer is; everyone does. But, over the past decade, we came across a breakthrough we never even thought of before. Yes! We are talking about E-Commerce. Since the introduction of E-Commerce, we have now become accustomed to ordering every single thing through the medium of the internet. With that being said, as we have somewhat of unlimited access to the internet, it has helped the whole concept of E-Commerce to kick things up a notch.

Nowadays, the internet is filled up with E-Commerce websites and as far as the smartphones are concerned, we’ve got E-Commerce apps. Back then, we had to go shopping malls and even market places to purchase something, but now we can do all of that with the convenience of our sofas.

Vital Stats You Need To Consider  

Since the time we’ve got hold of smartphones, we use them for literally almost every single task we can think of. And with that being said, E-Commerce is one of the tasks that we really enjoy doing. Being a leading E-Commerce app development company in the USA, we’ve enlisted some of the vital stats that you need to know in order to dive deep into the business aspect of online shopping.

iconAlmost 82% of internet users in the USA use their mobile devices to shop online.

icon35% of the US-based consumers use mobile devices to shop online.

iconIt is been predicted that by the year 2021, the USA E-Commerce sales will reach up to digit of $420 billion.

iconMobile shoppers tend to spend twice the money than any other consumers.

The Best E-Commerce Apps Out There

It’s 2019, and till this date, we literally have got not hundreds but thousands of E-Commerce apps. But, when it comes down to the leader, then there is the only one that most of you guys will come up with in the first place. Yes! You guessed it right, we are talking about Amazon. Well, we’ve enlisted some of the best E-Commerce apps out there for your convenience. Other than Amazon, we’ve got these apps:








E-Commerce Apps at a Glance

E-Commerce is really a wish come true for all the retailers out there. All you have to do is just make an app for your store and you are all sorted. With an app, you can attain and target the customers from across the world. There are businesses that are changing their preferences and choosing to build an E-Commerce platform. However, they are more inclined towards making an app than a website. The reason being, smartphones have larger users than those of PCs and laptops.

Well, you have to start somewhere right? And the first thing that you need to do is to define E-Commerce business goals with utmost clarity.

We want you to ask yourselves “what type of E-Commerce I want to launch?” – Android or iOS?

iconWho is the target audience?

iconWho will be managing the delivery, you, your vendor, or 3rd party?

iconWho can leave a review?

iconHow the commission will work?

iconHow the price of products will be uploaded?

Once you are done will these questions, you can now move further. The next step involves defining the right features for your E-Commerce mobile application.

Features will be the only thing that’d be reflecting your USP. That is going to make all the difference for your target audience. Your app’s character will be judged on the basis of what does it offer. Hence, it is important to define your features for E-Commerce app development.

Things You Need To Consider While Making an E-Commerce App

In your way towards launching the app, there are certain things that you need to take care of. Otherwise, you might end up with some inevitable error that nobody wants.

The things that you need to care about are the navigation of the app, concept/idea, and a lot more.

You need to look into the mode of communication between the platform and the customers or the vendors and the customers. Explore different platforms of verticals other than just your ideas. It inspires you to create something more elaborate in terms of content and what you are providing to your customers.

Now you can choose between an Open-source platform and SaaS Platform, but the fact is, it all depends on your budget and aspirations.

Also Read: 5 Innovative Ideas to Develop Health & Fitness App in 2019

Some Key Aspects of E-Commerce App Development

 Being a top-rated E-Commerce mobile app development company, we’ve given a detailed glimpse of the key aspects that you need to focus on while making an E-Commerce app:

iconMarket Analysis

The basis of an E-Commerce app is totally based upon determining the buyer’s persona. You need to ask yourselves, “who are you selling your products to?” and once you come up with a solution, you need to carry out research for your target audience.

Dive deep into analyzing your target audience’s behavior and patterns of their spending. Know their age and likes and dislikes.

iconKnow your Competitors

Work thoroughly on a list of your potential competitors. Create a list of what they are into and what makes them an ultimate choice for buyers. Always try not to duplicate their features and services; instead, research about their business model.

iconChoose the Right Technology

Carefully choose an appropriate technology to create your application. And while doing that, always keep an eye on your budget, inventory, and select the CMS, database, framework, and most importantly the back-end and front-end languages to code your app.

Now, as far as our experience is concerned, we’d recommend you to go for hybrid app development. However, if you are looking for sustainability, then native app development is the way to go for.

iconUI and UX Design

A user interface is one of those aspects on which an app is judged. So it is our recommendation to always give your app what it deserves. For instance, use soothing color schemes, appealing visuals, and smooth transitions. Create your logo with utmost creativity, since it will become your business’s identity. Always make sure to incorporate smart branding tactics to create a lasting impression on your customers. Considering that we’ve mentioned all the necessary things you need to take care of while making an E-Commerce app, this would be the right time for us to enlist some of the primary features that your app should have.

Features That an E-Commerce App Should Have

icon A Simple Yet Effective Registration Process

It may seem easy, but making an effective registration process can turn out to be exhaustive for most of the companies out there. If you fail to do so, there are chances that the user might simply choose to uninstall the app. nobody would like to waste their time on registering themselves.

Since almost everybody has a social media account, make sure to provide the signup and login options with social media integration.

icon Multiple Payment Options

The transaction is a vital part of E-Commerce. So we recommend you to provide your users with a reliable transaction passage with utmost security. Other than that, you need to provide your customers with every possible transaction option available. Credit card, Debit card, net banking, and e-wallets being at the top, ensure that customers get all of them. Moreover, you can always provide them with your app’s in-built wallet.

icon Push Notifications

You need to fill up that communication gap between you and your customers. But “how you’d be able to do that?” push notification is the way to go.

Initially, push notification is a major part of any app, but for E-Commerce app, it is quite a necessity. They enhance a user’s engagement as with notifications, a user is always updated with referral, discounts, promotions, sales, and offers that also make them come again and again.

 iconSocial Media Integration

Who doesn’t want their customer’s attention? Everybody does. Social media isn’t just for one-tap log in; it rather ensures that your E-Commerce app is right in front of your customers no matter where they are.

Integrating social media with your application will help your customers to share your special discounts on their respective social media accounts.

 iconReview & Rating

Don’t get hesitated to ask for feedback especially from your users. You shouldn’t have the fear of getting bad reviews and poor product rating, because it’ll only help you improve and learn from the mistakes you’ve done lately.

Always make sure to empower your customers to leave a review and your app on the respective application store. These reviews will help you achieve the sense of realization if you haven’t got the product which your customers are asking for.

So, here we are. That’s how you make an E-Commerce app. However, we’d still recommend you to consult with a trustworthy E-Commerce app development company for best results.

Final Thoughts

Would you like to make an E-Commerce app? If yes! Then what are you waiting for? Feel free to contact us. Being a top-rated mobile app development company in USA, Fluper would be very happy to help you out.


Anshul Sharma is the visionary CEO of Fluper, the leading mobile app development company known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge mobile applications. With a relentless drive for excellence and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Anshul leads Fluper with a focus on delivering value-driven products that transform businesses. Under his leadership, Fluper has become synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the digital space.

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