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“Surrounded by smartphones” this is one of those realities that every single one of us can admit to. Speaking of which, mobile e-commerce is literally booming right now, since we have ultimate access to smartphones and topping thing off with internet.

With the help of e-commerce applications, we can look out and later order those products with just a few taps. The best part is that we don’t have to go anywhere. Taking those facts into the account, businesses are thriving hard to invest in e-commerce app development to take their profits to a whole another extent.

The Widespread of E-Commerce in 2019

iconIt is been predicted that the total number of digital buyers will reach the number of 2 billion by the end of 2019.

iconThe total value of global retail e-commerce sales is expected to cross the mark of $3.45 trillion in 2019.

iconBack in 2018, the retail e-commerce sales grew to the mark of 23.3 %.

iconIndia and Indonesia are expected to experience the fastest growth in retail e-commerce.

iconBy the year 2040, it’s been predicted that 95% of all the purchases will be through e-commerce.

iconChina is ranked #1 in the e-commerce market.

icon80% of internet users in the US alone have made at least one online purchase.

iconThere are 12 million to 24 million e-commerce sites in the world.

iconAlibaba is known to be the largest e-commerce company.

Why Do You Need An E-Commerce App For Your Business?

 If you are not satisfied with what we listed above, then all you got to do is just carry on reading this particular topic.

Mobile users have surpassed the number of desktop internet users. Being typical individuals, we tend to spend an exceeding amount of time scrolling through our smartphones, and most specifically e-commerce apps, as we are always on the lookout for best deals possible. Just last year, it came into a realization that m-commerce business alone exceeded the revenue of $460 billion.

Being an app development company, we took the liberty to enlist some of the benefits of having an e-commerce application in the first place.

iconThe Preference

Almost 80% of consumers prefer using an app instead rather than a website for shopping online. Do you know what that means? Making a mobile app is not an option; instead, it has become quite a necessity.

It is also a fact that there has been somewhat of constant debate over “what better, mobile app or a responsive website?” well, as per our point of view, we’d recommend you to build a mobile application, since it is faster, convenient, and more secure.


User Experience Matters The Most

No matter what application you are making, if it fails to provide a user with an appropriate interface, you are most likely to face criticism on that basis alone. Let’s take up an example of Myntra, this is one of those companies that provide the most engaging shopping experience. You can always take reference from apps like this one in order to make one intuitive application.


Increase in Conversions

We as typical beings tend to spend more and more time on smartphones, which is alone somewhat of a statement that justifies this point. With that being said, it is quite obvious that mobile apps would be a great medium to take the conversion rates to a higher level. The personalization that only apps have the capability to offer can further ensure that consumers view similar products spoiling them for choice.


Enhancing Customer Loyalty

Once a customer downloads your app, you should know for that fact that he is already convinced. Your application’s icon is somewhat of a constant reminder for your customer to choose your app no matter what they want to buy.

As per a handful of surveys, we came to know that an app user tends to get back to your store within a month or so for purchase. Now the question is “how come apps have an extensive customer retention rate?” a simple answer to that is, mobile app store data on the basis of age, sex, and location that helps it show more personalized suggestions.

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5 Things That an E-Commerce App Should Have

 Since we’ve mentioned all the necessary reasons for you to be having an e-commerce app, this might be the right time to enlist the top 5 things that your e-commerce application should have in the first place. Now, we’ll be discussing how you can make a viable product.

Simple and Minimalist Design

Nowadays, when it comes to an app, users prefer a well-rounded application and that too which has got a minimal feel to it. A complicated designed application is not acknowledged these days, instead, it gets criticism based on that. Now, the question is what makes an app stand out? Having an easy to understand interface can make your app pull off wonders. The conclusion is, you need to make a well-rounded application.


Since we are talking about e-commerce apps, you need to know that content matters the most like any other aspect of an application. Content in e-commerce apps refers to images that convey the value of your product. Images clicked with a mobile phone or taken from the internet will not justify the product that you are trying to sell.

Social Media integration

Nobody got time for filling out lengthy forms. However, we do prefer a small sign-up process. How to provide one? Well, a simple answer is social media integration. With doing that, you are actually making the whole sign-up and log-in process quite easy and less time-consuming. Moreover, it enables you to share what they are viewing or buying from your store, that ultimately helps your app to gain traction in the market.


It is quite obvious that when you are using an e-commerce app, a massive amount of data is being transferred from one place to another. It is therefore of utmost importance that information like credit and debit card details, home or office address is kept safe at all times without any chances of breaches whatsoever.

Quick and Easy Checkouts

Complications are one of those things that can drive a user to just abandon his cart on your app. Speaking of which, you need to make sure that there are no complications whatsoever during the time of checking out from your app. you can do that, providing your users with various options to complete a transaction. Integrating a mobile wallet is probably the best option available in such cases.

E-Commerce Trends You Need to Lookout For



Within just a few years, Chatbots have evolved to become the most integral part of an e-commerce application. Chatbots have the capability to provide the contextual understanding and resolving queries within an in-app messenger. Along with that, they are known to be providing customized offers for customers and assisting them through the entire process of buying.


Augmented Reality

Wouldn’t it be more exciting if we could see what a product looks like without even buying it? Well, with AR it is something we can expect in the coming years. For those who don’t know what AR is? It’s just a typical technology, but it has the capability to project unreal objects right onto your devices.


Big Data

With e-commerce market exploding through the roofs, big data has obvious reasons to play a major role in the e-commerce business. Big data algorithms help you pull out data and predict fashion trends that’ll give you a competitive advantage. Moreover, big data can also determine the right price completely based upon analysis of prices set by your competitors.


Recommendation Engine

This probably is a term that most of you haven’t come across. Basically, it is a complex arena of algorithms that analyze a consumer’s behavior, along with Google searches, the ads viewed and social media activities to determine the taste and preferences of a user. The data later is used for providing personalized suggestions and improve the visibility of catalogs.


Cloud Computing

Nobody would like to use a slow application; it is something that usually keeps us away from. However, with the use of cloud and mobile computing, an app developer can reduce the time taken by the app to respond to queries which ultimately improves the performance of the app.

Wrap Up

You came here to get some tips for investing in e-commerce app development, now; we hope that you’ve got all the necessary information that you might need. With that being said, our work here is done, but we do recommend you to rely on a trustworthy company to pull off this massive task.

Final Thoughts

Are you looking forward towards making an E-Commerce app to promote your business? If yes! Then we are glad to tell you this is the right place you are looking at. Being a best mobile app development company, Fluper would be very happy to help you out in the best possible way.

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Anshul Sharma is the visionary CEO of Fluper, the leading mobile app development company known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge mobile applications. With a relentless drive for excellence and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Anshul leads Fluper with a focus on delivering value-driven products that transform businesses. Under his leadership, Fluper has become synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the digital space.

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