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Agile Software development methodology offers an iterative approach for development and designing of software and this is the reason organizations are experiencing enormous success by implementing this methodology. Although Agile approach fulfill the constant changes that occur in the world of development and permit team to break their lengthy requirements into smaller ones. We all better know that there is no single methodology that we can apply on all projects. Agile methodology is formed by different software development methodology that works on iterative and incremental method building the software from the beginning phase of development. Normally, agile breaks down the project into the smaller ones and then deliver them into a short time period that is known as iterations. For a successful project, you should get in touch with the best Mobile application development company as they can deliver you what you need.

There are the different varieties of Agile Software Development methodologies, some of them are:

  • Disciplined Agile Delivery
  • Adaptive Software Development
  • Agile Modeling
  • Scrum
  • Scrumban

The main motto of the Agile method is to modify and deliver working software as soon as possible. On the other hand, each agile methodology has different variations that are mainly defined for software development. Well, each team’s process flow depends on the specific project. For example, concept, inception, construction, release, productions are included in the full Agile Software Development Lifecycle.

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Things included in Agile Process Flow

  • Concept

 In this phase, projects are prioritized and visualized.

  • Inception

Requirements are discussed with team members.

  • Iteration

The team members those are included in development work together to deliver software by keeping in mind various things i.e. feedback and iteration requirements.

  • Release

In this phase, final release of iteration is converted into production. There are various processes included in this i.e., quality testing, internal and external training, and documentation development.

  • Production

Ongoing support of software is put in place.

  • Retirement

Customer notifications, migration and end of life activities are discussed.

All the above things are included in the full Agile Lifecycle models that are included within the full enterprise. In an enterprise, various projects are operated simultaneously; in fact multiple iterations are logged on different product lines.

Methodologies included in Agile Development Process


Normally, Scrum is a term that is used mainly in rugby. This term means, a huddled mass of players who are connected to one another have to perform a particular job. In software development, scrum means the art of managing work with the team and work on a project management framework to reveal the positive things as well as negative things that are related to a particular project. 3 main roles are included in this:

1: Product owner

He/she works as the voice of the client. Beside this, this person is also responsible for developing and maintaining sprint’s feature as well as decide the release date.

2: Scrum Master

This person resolves the problems that arise during the project. Besides this, the scrum master ensures team productivity.

3: Team

These are those people who do work and deliver the project. Team works collaboratively as well as share responsibilities with each other. In fact, team members are responsible for designing, implementing and fixing the project errors.

Crystal Methodology

Crystal Methodology is a three-step procedure in which chartering, cyclic delivering and wrap up are included.

  • In Chartering, the core team is build that includes executive sponsor; lead designer, number of the system analyst.
  • If we talk about cyclic delivery, one or more iterations are performed and each of them is delivered form one week to three months.
  • Wrap up, performs the final reflection and record the lesson as well as prepare the final project for the user.

Dynamic Software Development Method

It is one of the leading agile project delivery frameworks that is basically used for the software development complete lifecycle. DSDM is a framework that provides user current knowledge about project management. There is a great importance for DSDM for users that are actively involved in the project. There are three core techniques i.e., timeboxing, MosCow rules, and prototyping which are included in dynamic software development method & followed by mobile application developers.

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Future-Driven Development

This method basically focuses on designing and future buildings and it works best for domain object modeling and feature development. Future-Driven Development describes specific and short phases of work that can be accomplished.

Basically, these steps are involved in Future-Driven Development:

  • Domain Object Modeling
  • Development by feature
  • Component ownership
  • Feature teams
  • Inspections
  • Configuration Management
  • Regular builds
  • Visibility of results
  • Lean Software Development Phase

This iterative agile methodology was developed by Tom & Mary Poppendieck and the main aim of lean software development is to increase the speed of software development at a low cost. Entirely, it mainly focuses the team on delivering the project on time.
Some main principles of lean software development are as follows –

  • Eliminating waste
  • Amplifying learning
  • Early delivery
  • Empowering the team
  • Optimizing the whole
  • Defer Commitment
  • Building Integrity

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming is a software development methodology that is intended to improve software quality. Actually, it is a powerful tool that is used when a customer is not assured about the functionality of the system. Extreme programming is generally used for releasing a product in a cycle of 14 days that is known as iteration. In each iteration process, various things are included such as coding, unit testing, and system testing. If you want to know more about the benefits of agile project management, please get in touch with the efficient mobile application developers and discuss your project.


In starting, people may face difficulty in adopting this technology but once you adopt this, you will see SCRUM is doing wonders as it keeps the resources focused and you can yourself see that your application is actually growing.


Vinay Kumar is the brilliant mind behind the technology at Fluper, serving as the Chief Technology Officer. With a wealth of experience in software development and a passion for leveraging the latest technologies, Vinay drives the technical vision of Fluper's projects. His expertise in creating scalable and robust solutions ensures Fluper delivers best-in-class products exceeding client expectations.

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